lördag 13 april
Student/ungdom tom 26 år: 195 kr
Scenpass Uppsala Riksteaterförening: 255 kr
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018-727 83 40
Perhaps, perhaps... Quizás
Den mexikanska clownen Gabriela Muñoz formar en lika tragisk som komisk berättelse där hon repeterar inför mötet med den rätta. Det är en historia om rädslor, förhoppningar, svartsjuka och längtan. Träffar hon rätt ikväll?
Gabriela Muñoz är utbildad vid London International School of Performing Arts och School of Physical Theatre i London. Hon är flerfaldigt internationellt prisad och turnerar idag världen över.
Av och med: Gabriela Muñoz
Musik: Ernesto Paredano
Video: Marion Sosa
Fotograf: Gemma Tweedie
Rekommenderas från 12 år.
Inget tal.
I samarbete med Uppsala Riksteaterförening
“Gaby Muñoz has a gift for challenging our preconceptions, and entertaining with something fresh and alternative.”
Broadway Bab
"She steps into a world of lace, chintz and discarded paper dressed like the soulful counterpart to Helena Bonham - Carter's Queen of Hearts, and proceeds to win ours."
Fest Magazine
"How hard is it to love a dreamer? With no problem we love Gabriela Muñoz.”
Aya Stehager, Kulturhuset Stockholm
"Audience members are on the edge of their seats as they watch this outrageous, but somehow relatable story with bated breath.”
Kimberly Laurenne, Show Business Weekly, NY
"This is an incredibly heartbreaking work of art. Bravo!"
Jennifer Stokes, NY Clown Theatre Festival 2012.
"It is brave, it is well-crafted, it is side-splittingly funny, and it is sad. It is wonderful."
Theatreview NZ
"Exceptionally original. Extraordinarily funny."
The Dominion Post NZ
̈"With her whimsical aesthetic, Chula transports us to a magical world with her shows, performances and visual artistry."
The Guardian UK
"If you come to her show expecting juggling & acrobatics, you will leave disappointed. But if you come to her show hoping to get your soul juggled in amazingly contoured routine, then you will leave as full as a gorged boa constrictor."
NY Clown Theatre Festival
“Un petit diamant solitaire."
La Provence, France
"A marvelous physical actress!"
Show Business NY
018-727 83 40